Monday, June 15, 2009

Quotes -All speech is not free

The author argues that " to create a classroom environment that does not replicate the inequities of the "real" world is a disservice to students." She suggests that there is no reason why educators cannot create a separate space where students who have been marginalized are allowed to get the experience they will need to defend themselves when they enter a world after college.The author states that institutions of higher learning already are "white men's clubs".The rules of such a classroom environment are explained by giving two examples. The first example is a professor who invites students to express any view they want to,while the second example was a professor who set explicit ground rules for her classroom. The first professor allows he student's fee speech but insists they back up their comments and opinions.The students were held accountable and fellow students were able to have dissenting opinions and discussions about topics opened up in the classroom. The second professor tells her students at the beginning of her classes on women's studies that she assumes they are there because because they support women's issues.In her classes on black studies, she also expects her students to "object to any denigration of black persons anywhere." The author feels both of these pedagogies are different ways of using an affirmative action pedagogy. The first helps challenge racist views by talking and analysing how these opinions are rooted in privilege and how institutions may be be part of the problem. The second instance ,where students are forbidden to use racist or hate speech in the classroom, also is considered to be a way to use affirmative action pedagogy. This censorship of speech is defended by this quote in the article, "This rule functions to correct an educational history that has systemically discriminated against marginalized voices.Within women's and black studies in particular, this attempt to counter unequal representation is especially appropriate."I agreed with the statement,both pedagogies allow the unheard to be heard.

1 comment:

  1. Kathy,

    You correctly and succinctly outlined the two models that Boler suggests. As we agreed last night in class, she spends most of her article discussing the first model. I believe that is her preferred option.

    Thanks for your thoughtful contributions to the class discussion.

