Tuesday, May 19, 2009

This author, Allan G. Johnson, argues that " a great deal of trouble surrounds issues of difference in this society, trouble relating to gender and race, sexual orientation, ethnicity,and social class." He goes on to say that we are all part of the problem, and that we must try and become part of the solution if we want to see change occur.He quoted Rodney King who said " Can't we all just get along?"to emphasize that we do not get along and that we have to be open to hearing words that disturb, such as white racism and privilege. Social differences such as gender, sexual orientation, class, ability and ethnicity must be looked and talked about if we are to change the way society functions. People have difficulty looking at themselves and trying to figure out how they fit in a society that is racist, sexist and where there are privileges for some but not for everyone. Johnson writes that people have to accept these painful words and accept the role we play in helping a society to change or stay the same. Being white, male and heterosexual gives privilege in our society and the author wants this very group to understand that they must be part of the solution and consider this problem of privilege their call to action. If we realize that we are privileged at the expense of others, we can begin to take responsibility for trying to make changes. I was very struck by Johnson writing " The trouble around diversity, then, isn't just that people differ from one another. The trouble is produced by a world organized in ways that encourage people to use difference to include or exclude, reward or punish, credit or discredit, elevate or oppress, value or devalue, leave alone or harass." The Diversity Wheel is discussed by the author and he writes about how different our lives would be if the characteristics in the center of the wheel were to change and how differently people would look at you and treat you. A very important distinction between being a oppressive person and belonging to a privileged group is made in the article and will help people to affect change and look at the truth about power, privilege, and oppression without taking on the guilt that might cause denial and lack of action

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